Motor Activity Training Program

At Special Olympics, we believe in the power of inclusion and accessibility. That’s why we’re proud to offer the Motor Activity Training Program (MATP) for athletes with severe disabilities. Unlike traditional sports competitions, MATP prioritizes training and participation, focusing on an athlete’s personal best rather than competition outcomes.

MATP is designed to develop core motor skills that are directly linked to official Special Olympics sports, promoting physical activity and social inclusion for all participants. Through MATP, we demonstrate that individuals with severe disabilities can actively engage in physical activity and experience the joy of sports alongside their peers.

Join us in celebrating the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment through the Motor Activity Training Program. Together, we can break barriers and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Special Olympics Nigeria Unified Champion School Fun Day, Abeokuta

The Unified Champion School Fun Day held in Abeokuta brought together athletes, partners, family members, and community members to a day full of exciting experiences.

This event featured four talented teams competing in soccer and volleyball. The atmosphere was electric as teams showcased their skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship on and off the field and court.

Every participant was celebrated as they received a medal, for their hard work and dedication.

The event was not only a celebration of sports but also a testament to the positive impact of our the Unified Champion School Initiative. Thanks to the commitment of our organizers, volunteers, and participants, for making the event a resounding success.

Stay connected for updates on future events and initiatives.


Special Olympics Nigeria on the 14th December 2023 mark its 20th anniversary!

Over the past two decades, we have strived for excellence, innovation, and inclusivity, and this milestone wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support of our friends, board members, partners, athletes, family members, volunteers, and every individual who has been part of our journey.

To commemorate this special occasion, we hosted a jubilant celebration, bringing together our cherished community members for an unforgettable evening filled with laughter, joy, and reflection. From heartfelt speeches to engaging activities, the event was a testament to the collective efforts and dedication that have propelled us to where we stand today.

Highlights from the Celebration:

  1. Memorable Moments: Guests mingled and shared stories, reminiscing about the pivotal moments that have defined our legacy over the years. From humble beginnings to significant milestones, every anecdote reflected the spirit of perseverance and resilience that defines our organization.
  2. Honouring Our Partners: We took this opportunity to express our gratitude to our esteemed partners whose unwavering support has been instrumental in shaping our success story. Their collaboration and commitment have empowered us to make a meaningful impact in our communities.
  3. Inclusion at its Heart: Welcoming athletes with intellectual disabilities to our celebration was a reminder of our commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Their presence illuminated the power of sports to unite people from all walks of life, inspiring us to continue championing equality and accessibility in everything we do.
  4. Looking Ahead: As we reflect on the past 20 years, we are filled with a sense of gratitude and pride for how far we’ve come. However, our journey is far from over. With renewed vigor and determination, we look forward to embarking on the next chapter of our legacy, guided by our core values and fueled by the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Thanks to everyone who has been part of our incredible journey. Your unwavering support and dedication have been the driving force behind our success, and we are deeply grateful for your continued belief in our mission.


On the 28th of March 2024, Codeable 3.0 was launched following the resounding success of subsequent Codeable – a development initiative powered by SeamlessHR and in collaboration with Special Olympics Nigeria that provides tech skills to individuals with and without intellectual disabilities through unified learning approaches.

Crafted out is a comprehensive curriculum designed to empower participants in the realms of soft skills, project design, project management, and software engineering.

Building upon the foundation of past success, Codeable 3.0 takes a bold new shape, promising an even more impactful experience for participants. With an emphasis on practical, hands-on learning and cutting-edge industry insights, this program is tailored to equip participants with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in today’s competitive landscape.

Key Highlights of Codeable 3.0:

  • Expert-led training sessions covering soft skills, project design, project management, and software engineering.
  • Interactive workshops and group activities to foster collaboration and skill development.
  • Access to industry-leading resources and mentorship opportunities.
  • Networking events to connect with like-minded professionals and industry leaders.
  • Certification upon program completion, validating your newfound skills and knowledge.

Stay with us on our social media platforms as we bring you more updates on the Codeable 3.0 initiative.


Dada Samuel, a talented Special Olympics Nigeria Athlete living with cerebral palsy, was among the 26 participants selected for the Codeable information technology training, a collaborative effort by Special Olympics Nigeria and Seamless HR.

Over three months, Samuel and his peers underwent intensive training in product thinking, design, and management, quality assurance, soft skills development, and software engineering. Standing out for his exceptional performance, Samuel particularly excelled in quality assurance, earning him a six-month internship alongside two unified partners.

Praised by his manager and the Seamless HR coordinator for his intelligence, focus, attention to detail, and dedication, Samuel retained as a quality assurance officer at Seamless HR, pending confirmation as a full-time staff member.


Embark on a Journey Through Two Decades of Excellence

As we proudly celebrate our 20th anniversary, we invite you to join us on a captivating journey down memory lane. Our anniversary showcase video encapsulates the essence of our remarkable two-decade voyage—a tale of innovation, resilience, and countless milestones.

From the early days filled with determination to the present, where we stand as a symbol of success, each frame echoes the dedication and passion that define our organization. Explore the projects that shaped industries, the challenges that strengthened us, and the victories that fueled our commitment to excellence.

This video is more than a mere reflection of the past; it’s a testament to the relationships we’ve built, the impact we’ve made, and the countless individuals who have been part of our story.

Join us in celebrating this monumental occasion and here’s to the next chapter of our inspiring journey!

Health Messenger Program

Special Olympics Nigeria is committed to breaking barriers and fostering inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Our believe is that everyone deserves the opportunity to have a healthy, quality and happy life experience. That is why we advocate for the health and overall well-being of people with intellectual disabilities through our ‘Health Messenger Program’.

The Health Messenger Program is a groundbreaking initiative designed to empower young people with and without intellectual disabilities to become health and wellness leaders, educators, advocates, and role models within their communities. It is a platform for them to raise their voices, share knowledge, and drive change within their communities. Health messengers are leaders who pursue healthy lifestyles and advocate for healthcare providers and governments to adopt inclusive policies around health, wellness services, education, and resources for people with intellectual disabilities.

People with intellectual disabilities often have difficulties in accessing healthcare services and information. By equipping them with the skills and knowledge to advocate for themselves, we create a more inclusive society where everyone’s health matters. Health Messengers are beacons of change, breaking down stigma and paving the way for a healthier and more inclusive future.

Since the launch of the ‘Health Messenger’ program in 2016, nearly 4,000 persons with intellectual disabilities have been trained to be health leaders and advocates.

Gallagher Coach Developer Training

The Gallagher Coach Developer program is a transformative initiative dedicated to elevating the skills and knowledge of coaches, whether they’re new or experienced, all with the ultimate goal of enhancing the performance of individuals with intellectual disabilities in sports and fitness activities. Through a dynamic combination of in-person and online training methods, this program has made a lasting impact on the sports scene.

One of the truly exceptional facets of this program is its unwavering commitment to inclusivity. By involving both new and established volunteer coaches, it ensures that a diverse spectrum of people is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to be effective mentors. This approach recognizes that exceptional coaches can emerge from various backgrounds, celebrating the diversity within the coaching community.

The program’s success is ultimately measured by the growth and progress of the athletes it serves. Athletes under the guidance of trained coaches have witnessed improvements in their performance, instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment within the Special Olympics Nigeria community.

This program stands as a beacon of hope and progress in the realm of sports coaching. Its dedication to inclusivity, blended training approaches, and, most importantly, athlete development, serve as a testament to its effectiveness. Special Olympics Nigeria has ample reason to rejoice, as this program continues to pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future in sports and fitness activities.

Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools

The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools (USC) program is aimed at promoting social inclusion through intentionally planned and implemented activities affecting systems-wide change.

With sports as the foundation, the UCS program achieve its aim by implementing a three component model that offers a unique combination of effective activities that equip young people with tools and training to create sports, classroom and school climates of acceptance. These school climate of acceptance create a safe space where students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included in, and feel a part of, all activities, opportunities and functions.
This is accomplished by implementing inclusive sports, inclusive youth leadership opportunities, and whole school engagement.

The program is designed to be woven into the fabric of the school, enhancing current efforts and providing rich opportunities that lead to meaningful change in creating a socially inclusive school that supports and engages all learners.

Special Olympics Nigeria is one of several Special Olympics program across the world currently implementing the UCS program in schools across Nigeria. Through the UCS program, we are creating a conducive, safe and inclusive school environment that accepts people with intellectual disabilities and affords them the same rights and privileges as other students to learn and play. Through this program, we ensure that people with intellectual disabilities and those without intellectual disabilities come together and engage in unified activities that promote social inclusion and acceptance in schools across Nigeria.

Together we are creating a Unified Generation that Chooses to Include!

Special Olympics Nigeria and Seamless HR officially Launch Codeable in Lagos

Special Olympics Nigeria, in partnership with SeamlessHR, has launched a new training program tagged “Codeable” to empower vulnerable youth with and without intellectual disabilities with technology skills, increasing their access to opportunities that enhance independence.

Speaking during the launch event, Adeola Oladugba, Special Olympics Nigeria Sports manager, explained that the partnership was born out of the need to include the vulnerable youth, especially those with intellectual disabilities, in new possibilities and opportunities asides from sports that would enable them to acquire competitive skills as they grow older and get fair opportunities like everyone.

The partnership which is the first of its kind is set to train over a hundred youths in the next three years, through two cohorts yearly. The plan is to expand this initiative across the world and encourage other tech firms to embrace it, while we also offer internship placements to the best performing students at the end of the program, said Deji Lana, Chief Technical Officer and Co-founder of SeamlessHR.

Adetoun Akinsunmi Head of Customer Success, SeamlessHR, said as a tech company that has a long-standing record of servicing companies with technology. 

“The codeable initiative is a key step to empowering the right learning path and other skills such as coding, design thinking, product management, quality assurance coupled with some soft skills. It was a perfect opportunity to partner with Special Olympics Nigeria through their youth leadership programming to equip the youths with all-round skills that are relevant in the society” she said.

Emphasizing the benefit of the program, Ibiyemi Ayeni, Initiatives Manager, Special Olympics Nigeria stated that “the training goes beyond just technology but also deepens networking, growth, and inclusiveness in the society, advising participants to look beyond the immediate reward but get the best out of the program which will be embedded in them forever”

Special Olympics Nigeria is aimed at changing the misconceptions individuals have about people with intellectual disabilities through various sports training and athletic competitions in a variety of Olympic – type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities thus providing a platform where their abilities are celebrated in society.


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