HMD Global Drives Digital Inclusion

Special Olympics Nigeria Athletes with their Nokia C1 phones

HMD Global drives inclusion by helping people with intellectual disabilities stay connected, informed, and be inclusion advocates. Through the donation of phones to Special Olympics Nigeria athletes, the organization has enabled People with Intellectual Disabilities who have experienced marginalization in society, compounded with the loss of connection with peers due to the government-mandated lockdown (to prevent the spread of COVID-19) be digitally included in today’s data-driven world.

Nokia C1 Phone Presentation

People with Intellectual Disabilities – athletes – who attend special schools and participate in weekly sports training, often looked forward to these events to get educated, stay physically fit, and mingle with their peers. With the global pandemic which led to the government-imposed lockdown, schools were closed, and group gatherings such as sports training were also not allowed to prevent the spread of COVID -19. This left athletes at home unable to meet or communicate with friends.

In today’s world, a smartphone is more than a phone – it’s a means to connect with friends and the rest of the world, it’s a means to stay informed and educated on happenings around you and it’s also a means to share your voice and your beliefs.

HMD Global – Home of Nokia Phones, recognizing the need to ensure that people with Intellectual Disabilities are not left behind and excluded in a time like this, took on the digital inclusion initiative which involved the donation of phones to People with Intellectual Disabilities. Thus, earlier in November 2020, six lucky athletes were selected to be recipients of Nokia C1 phones. These were given to them in a handover event. The athletes were visibly excited and appreciative as they smiled and took pictures with their new phones.

Special Olympics Nigeria is grateful for the support of HMD Home of Nokia Phones in the digital inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities. Thank you HMD Global for putting a smile on the faces of our athletes and helping them stay connected, informed, and strong advocates for inclusion.


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